How to Make Your Home Earth Friendly

How to Make Your Home Earth Friendly

Eco-Friendly Tips for the Home 

Today, doing your part to protect the environment is more than simply being a recycling enthusiast. It extends beyond that. While separating plastic, glass, and other recyclable materials is a practice you should always continue to pursue, there are further steps you can take to live ‘green.’ Simple eco-friendly practices can help to conserve resources, save you money, and better the environment.

Be Mindful of Lights

It happens to us all – We’re in the midst of a morning rush and head out of the house quickly. When we get home later that day, we realize we’ve left several lights on. While the amount of electricity that you’ve wasted isn’t huge, it does add up. Make turning off your lights a part of your morning routine and always turn lights off when the sun is streaming through the windows.

Embrace Natural Cleaning Products

Using harmful chemicals to clean is bad for the environment. When you wash them away, you are simply putting them into the water supply. For most day-to-day cleaning tasks, natural products like vinegar, citric acids from citrus fruits, and bicarbonate of soda can be used in place of caustic chemicals.


One of the smartest ways to improve your home’s eco-friendliness is to ensure that you use as little energy as possible. Good insulation helps to hold in the heat in the winter and keep the cool air in during summer. There are plenty of places that can and should be insulated, including within the walls and in the roof.

How are you improving your home’s eco-friendliness? For the protection your green home needs, contact the insurance experts at CAV Insurance, serving Wellesley, MA and beyond. We provide quality home insurance at affordable rates.